Thank you to everyone who attended the Develop event we co-hosted with Tango on December 6, 2022! It was a pleasure to host a public event again-- our first event since 2020! We started the evening with a mixer and delicious taco bar, provided by OtraSF. The panel discussion, "How Technology Can Lead the Way for Digital Transformation: Ideas for Developers and Product Managers," featured three panelists and Moderator Eric Siegfreid, CEO At Tango.io. Panelists were Sariah Sizemore, Head of Product Quality at Presence; Sam McAfee, Author, Managing Director at Startup Patterns; and Jay Gonzalez, Program Management Director at Beezwax Datatools.
"The panel discussion took shape in a way that focused on how leadership can support their teams through digital transformation. When leaders give folks the support they need to adapt to new technologies and the agency to self-direct how they interact with digital tools, they feel empowered and inspired to collaborate. This support includes keeping an eye on technical, organizational, and architectural debt and carving out the time for teams to catch up and prepare for the changes that digital transformation presents." - Panelist Sariah Sizemore, Head of Product Quality at Presence.
Develop events are curated for talented San Francisco and Silicon Valley devs and entrepreneurs. To be notified of future events, follow Eric Siegfried on Eventbrite.
We also welcome you to view the video from the event.